Welcome to Maple Mountain Martial Arts located in Spanish Fork, Utah. Our Head Instructor is Mr. Joe Kelly 4th Dan. Mr. Kelly has over twenty years experience in coaching and teaching young people and adults. Our studio is about being a better martial artist and person.

101 North Main Street - Spanish Fork UT 84660 - (801) 794-3181

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Black Belt Excellence Worksheet

May's theme is teamwork. Here is a link to the worksheet: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GOTUzMzhmYmUtMzhkMi00YjNkLWExMjctODdlNmZjNTUwZWY0&hl=en
Don't forget that studenns can earn Kyukido bucks for completing the worksheet and turning it in on time.

May Black Belt Excellence Poster