Welcome to Maple Mountain Martial Arts located in Spanish Fork, Utah. Our Head Instructor is Mr. Joe Kelly 4th Dan. Mr. Kelly has over twenty years experience in coaching and teaching young people and adults. Our studio is about being a better martial artist and person.

101 North Main Street - Spanish Fork UT 84660 - (801) 794-3181

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

New Year, New Schedule!

Our studio will be closed beginning December 24th, 2010 and classes will resume on January 3rd, 2011. Please check back for the new class schedule. It will be posted as soon as it is complete.

Newsletter for December

Here's a link to the December editon of Kickin' Around:https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bz51-7A4PF7GNzBiM2QyYTgtOGNmYy00NGU2LTg5MGYtOTA0YmM0NWVjMDkz&hl=en&authkey=CIjx0JUK

December BBE Worksheet

Here is a link to this month's Black Belt Excellence worksheet:https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bz51-7A4PF7GZWNmMzQ1MzEtYTZiMS00NWM2LTk5ODMtNjJhZGEwMjg5NjE5&hl=en&authkey=COnv2SU
Remember, students can earn Kyukido bucks for turning in the completed worksheet!

December Poster

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Championship Tournament

The tournament will be held in less than two weeks on November 12th for Little Ninjas and November 13th for all other students up to 16 years old! Please check this site for details: mmtournament.blogspot.com . We hope you'll join us to participate or just enjoy the action!

November Newsletter

Check out the November edition of Kickin' Around here:https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYmMxNzc1ZjUtZDI0OC00Mjk5LWE3YzMtNDgzOWEwYjBjYjhl&hl=en&authkey=CMySlIsG

Black Belt Excellence Worksheet for November

Here is a link to the Black Belt Excellence worksheet:https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GODY5NzRhMjgtNjkwMC00NjhiLTgwMTgtODE0ODEyMDdiMzc3&hl=en&authkey=CMCi5oED
Student who complete the worksheet and turn it in on time can earn Kyukido bucks.

November Black Belt Excellence Poster

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday Boot Camp

We are having another "quarterly" boot camp this coming Saturday, September 18th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. This will be for the first 25 students who sign up. If we get more interest we'll hold a second session from noon - 3:oo pm but the first session will have to fill up for the second to be held. The cost of the camp will be $20.

If you are wondering if this boot camp is for you, if you have not earned all your stripes or have missed many classes of the past few months, then this boot camp will be essential to bring your skills up to where you should be. If you are just struggling and need some extra help, this boot camp is for you. Please see Mr. Tyler Kelly or Mr. Kyle Cook to sign up.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Camp of Champs, August 9th - 13th

Our annual Camp of Champs is just around the corner. It'll be held August 9th - 13th. Last year's camp was a huge success. All students who attended made huge gains in their techniques and skills and more imortantly, they gained discipline and focus as the trained nearly 20+ hours in one week. Imagine gaining three to five months of training in one week!

The main purpose of the camp is to help our students progress faster and gain the practice that they need. Students can become rusty during the summer due to lack of practice at home. This camp will polish them up and they will have a blast while training hard. Students will have the opportunity to earn their next belt rank at the conclusion of the camp and they will learn a different set of curriculum from what they are being taught in class this quarter. This will allow students to continue to progress in their regularly scheduled classes after camp.

An average day at camp will be something like 10am - 12pm: forms training and a fun activity; 12 - 12:30pm: lunch (bring your own); 12:30 - 1:30pm: self defense; 1:30 - 2pm: fun activity.

The date to preregister by is August 4th. The cost is $175 ($120 for Flying Dragons Team students) or $200 on the 1st day of camp. The cost includes testing fees and 20+ hours of martial arts instruction. If you have multiple students, you will receive a discount for the second and third student registered.

We are excited for this year's camp and hope to see many of you attend. All students who attend will be invited to a camp graduation party held at the Spanish Fork pool (time to be announced).

Kickin' Around for August

Check out the latest issue of our monthly newsletter, Kickin' Around: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYzhhNmQ4YWQtOTYyMy00YjQ3LTk1YjEtN2UwNTY1MDU5NDY4&hl=en&authkey=CJGcm5IB

August Black Belt Excellence Worksheet

Click here for the worksheet for August: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GZmExNzIxYmUtYTcxOS00MjI2LWFiYWItYWI5MzFkNzZmMTEx&hl=en&authkey=CL7ijeUO
Students can earn Kyukido bucks for turning in a completed worksheet. This month's theme is Fitness.

August Black Belt Excellence Poster

Monday, June 7, 2010

May Black Belt Test

Black Belt tests are held only twice a year in May and October. Last month our studio had two students earn their 1st Dan Black Belt. Congrats to them!

Kickin' Around for June

Here is this month's edition of our newsletter: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GNDZiNWJhMDctZDRlOS00OWY5LWJkYjYtNmQ1MjBkZDYwYmE2&hl=en

June Black Belt Excellence Worksheet

Here is a link to June's Black Belt Excellence worksheet: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GMDY2ZTQ0OTUtYjYxNy00YTVmLWFiNmUtZTMyYzNiMjk3MTBl&hl=en
This month's theme is Attitude. Students can earn Kyukido bucks for completing and turning the worsheet in on time. This is a good way to show your positive attitude!

June Black Belt Excellence Poster

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Black Belt Excellence Worksheet

May's theme is teamwork. Here is a link to the worksheet: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GOTUzMzhmYmUtMzhkMi00YjNkLWExMjctODdlNmZjNTUwZWY0&hl=en
Don't forget that studenns can earn Kyukido bucks for completing the worksheet and turning it in on time.

May Black Belt Excellence Poster

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

March Belt Graduation Photos

We had a really big group for our belt graduation in March. If you'd like to see photos, you can here: http://s636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/maplemountain/March%202010%20Belt%20Graduation/. If you do not have the password, please email me at maplemountainspanishfork @ gmail.com. The main album doesn't contain the photos, please click on the folders on the left. There are four folders there, one for each graduation time and one of mixed photos.

April newsletter

Here is a link to the April edition of our newsletter: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GM2YwYjAxYTgtMGNjMS00ZDUzLWFmNTQtMjY2ZWY0YWFkYmMw&hl=en

April Black Belt Excellence worksheet

April's theme is our student creed. Here is a link to the worksheet: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GZmRhNGYyMjEtZDZhMy00NDYzLTg3MTQtOWQyY2U0YmY1NzAw&hl=en

April Black Belt Excellence Poster

Friday, February 26, 2010

Buddy Bash cancelled

Please note that tonight's advertised "Buddy Bash" has been cancelled. We will be having another activity in March with details to be announced later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hapkido Seminar

Master Wayne Hull will be teaching Hapkido techniques on Saturday, February 20th. The public as well as students are invited. The cost will be $30 per participant. Please see the flyer for more information here: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYjVlODBlMWYtYThkMC00ZjE3LWFhZmUtMWVkNWY2OTJlY2Ni&hl=en

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

October Black Belt Test

We had several students test for 1st Dan in October 2009 as well as Mr. Tyler Kelly testing for 2nd Dan and Mr. Joe Kelly testing for 4th Dan. Here is a link to pictures from the Royal West Martial Arts website from that test: http://www.rwmaa.com/images/BBTOct09/index.html. I believe this is only the first set and there may be more to come. Belated congrats to all who tested and earned their black belts or advanced ranks!

Royal West Martial Arts Tournament February 27th, 2010

The Royal West Martial Arts Jr. Championship Tournament will be held on February 27th at the West Valley Fitness Center in the Salt Lake area. The tournament is set to test and strengthen the skills students have learned against opponents of their own age and rank from different schools. Participants will compete in different activities such as Forms and Sparring. This is a great learning experience to grow and excel in martial arts training. Entrants should be 17 years old and under. You must submit an entry form to your instructor. The cost is $25 and the tournament will start at 9:30am at 5415 West 3100 South in West valley City. Here is a link to the inofrmation sheet and entry form: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYjYwMGI5YWUtZGJhOC00YTM1LTlkMWMtMmI1YzAwMzU3YTdl&hl=en


Yesterday our newsletter, Kickin' Around, made it's debut. If you'd like to take a look, here is a link: http://http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GMTg5ODUzZTktY2MwMi00OGEwLWFiMWUtNDJiM2E0OTA0ZWU2&hl=en.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Black Belt Excellence

As you can see, we have returned to the Black Belt Excellence program. This month's theme is "Honesty." Here is a link to the worksheet: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GZDM0NGJiZjAtYWJkYS00NTkxLWEyMDQtODBlNTViNjQwNmNj&hl=en We'll send a reminder with the due date for the worksheet later.

February Black Belt Excellence Poster