Welcome to Maple Mountain Martial Arts located in Spanish Fork, Utah. Our Head Instructor is Mr. Joe Kelly 4th Dan. Mr. Kelly has over twenty years experience in coaching and teaching young people and adults. Our studio is about being a better martial artist and person.

101 North Main Street - Spanish Fork UT 84660 - (801) 794-3181

Friday, February 26, 2010

Buddy Bash cancelled

Please note that tonight's advertised "Buddy Bash" has been cancelled. We will be having another activity in March with details to be announced later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hapkido Seminar

Master Wayne Hull will be teaching Hapkido techniques on Saturday, February 20th. The public as well as students are invited. The cost will be $30 per participant. Please see the flyer for more information here: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYjVlODBlMWYtYThkMC00ZjE3LWFhZmUtMWVkNWY2OTJlY2Ni&hl=en

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

October Black Belt Test

We had several students test for 1st Dan in October 2009 as well as Mr. Tyler Kelly testing for 2nd Dan and Mr. Joe Kelly testing for 4th Dan. Here is a link to pictures from the Royal West Martial Arts website from that test: http://www.rwmaa.com/images/BBTOct09/index.html. I believe this is only the first set and there may be more to come. Belated congrats to all who tested and earned their black belts or advanced ranks!

Royal West Martial Arts Tournament February 27th, 2010

The Royal West Martial Arts Jr. Championship Tournament will be held on February 27th at the West Valley Fitness Center in the Salt Lake area. The tournament is set to test and strengthen the skills students have learned against opponents of their own age and rank from different schools. Participants will compete in different activities such as Forms and Sparring. This is a great learning experience to grow and excel in martial arts training. Entrants should be 17 years old and under. You must submit an entry form to your instructor. The cost is $25 and the tournament will start at 9:30am at 5415 West 3100 South in West valley City. Here is a link to the inofrmation sheet and entry form: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GYjYwMGI5YWUtZGJhOC00YTM1LTlkMWMtMmI1YzAwMzU3YTdl&hl=en


Yesterday our newsletter, Kickin' Around, made it's debut. If you'd like to take a look, here is a link: http://http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz51-7A4PF7GMTg5ODUzZTktY2MwMi00OGEwLWFiMWUtNDJiM2E0OTA0ZWU2&hl=en.